Clinicians Community of Practice

Clinicians Community of Practice

Clinicians who are engaged or involved with using telehealth in their practice come from a wide range of clinical backgrounds including medicine and allied health. The extent to which they use telehealth in clinical practice may vary as does the context they operate in, from large healthcare organisations to sole operator private practice. While each role varies significantly, the Clinicians Community of Practice is a peer group where members can support each other in their roles, discuss ideas, support evidence-based practice and pass on action points to other working groups.

Current focus

  • Create a safe environment for collegial discussion of areas of interest and innovation opportunities with a key group of telehealth engaged clinicians 
  • Build sector telehealth clinician capability 
  • Identify and support solutions to sector operational issues and challenges
  • Support sector wide telehealth implementation, evaluation and monitoring
  • Engage with national and international peers for knowledge sharing
  • Reduce duplication of effort and resources by sharing initiatives and resources via the New Zealand Telehealth Forum (NZTF) register
  • Remove siloed workplaces by encouraging and supporting collaboration across health sector.

Current focus

  • To lead on clinical telehealth matters

Clinicians Community of Practice co-chairs

Chair Organisation Contact
Linzi Birmingham (Co-chair) Head of Nursing, NMIT Email 
Grahame Jelley (Co-chair) Clinical Director and General Practitioner - Mahitahi Hauora Primary Health Entity Email