Zoom / iPMS integration

Organisation: Hauora Tairawhiti
Date of project: May 2021
Integration between Zoom (or MS Teams) and iPMS, is essential to reduce the administrative costs and remove the disincentives of additional steps required to administer remote consultations for both specialist and patients. Significant work has already been done on this by Waitemata DHB and Health Alliance with the software provider DXC. Bay of Plenty DHB are also taking aspects of this work.
In parallel with Process and Service Design work for Out Patients, Community Care, and Mental Health:
a) Details of the Zoom/iPMS work (particularly in regards to the user experience and human factor design) already undertaken elsewhere are obtained and assessed for compatibility with Hauora Tairãwhiti processes.
b) Estimates of cost and time frame are obtained from the vendor (DXC ).
The technical design will then be aligned, modified if required with the process and service design work.
If you would like more information about this project, please email us.