Telerehabilitation for people with mTBI: A co-design approach

Telerehabilitation for people with mTBI: A co-design approach
  • Type of ProjectResearch
  • Stage of CompletionProposed
  • Area of InterestAllied health, Technology
  • Health DomainEquity, Consumer, Whānau, Kaupapa Maori, Data & digital, Patient experience
  • Geographic RegionNorthern
  • Priority PopulationOther

Organisation: Auckland University of Technology

Date of project: March 2022

Nationally and internationally health services are turning to telehealth delivery methods and requiring fast translation of in-person care to remote care. This is particularly important in a post COVID-19 era. Recent Australian data showed how telehealth numbers jumped from 240 000 in 2019 to 5.4 million between January and April 2020. The Go Well Health (GWH) platform is a cloud platform developed to deliver remote health services for healthcare teams to strengthen patient engagement, educate, empower and support people to safely self-manage ( We will make use of this platform to develop a potential telerehabilitation delivery package for people with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) to rehabilitate safely at home with limited in-person contact and hospital/out-patient visits. We will work with people who have/have had a mTBI and their whānau, as well as clinicians with experience of mTBI to co-design this telerehabilitation package to be tested in a future study.

If you would like more information about this project, please email us