Delivering equity in primary care through telehealth

Organisation: TAS
Date of project: June 2023
Improved health technology including telehealth has the potential to improve health outcomes and the patient experience, but it can also exacerbate existing inequities.
In Aotearoa/New Zealand Māori are more likely to have poorer access to health services, quality of services received and health outcomes when compared to the non-Māori population.
What we need to do?
1. Identify the changes in primary care using telehealth services in response to COVID-19:
a. How has this impacted on equity of access to health and care services for Māori and rural iwi?
b. What?
c. What practice changes are desirable to retain learnings from COVID-19
2. Define population are we most concerned about to deliver equity in primary healthcare through telehealth services that:
a. Delivers the greatest value for Maāori and their whaānau
b. Avoid increasing inequalities in health and care
3. Analytics to support system development and improvements
4. Address clinician concerns in using telehealth
5. Understand the barriers and constraints
If you would like more information about this project, please email us.